Monday, June 4, 2012

Motivation Monday

Hello my fellow readers and cheers for the new followers that may come along. 

I'll call this post "Motivation Monday" I dislike MONDAYS a whole lot but amazingly today I was excited to come to work.
See, this weekend I spent most of my day with some very special friends and together we talked about our view in life, our children, our goals, our dreams, our life, and ohh plenty of other things. So when I got home ready to end my day I realized that I have plenty of goals and dreams I wish to accomplish and for one reason or another these plans are just that...plans. I haven't put enough effort to pursue these things! Which personally I think it is quite awful. There is no impossible, when the word itself says IM-POSSIBLE. 

As time goes by I realize that I haven't done much, I mean I just work and work and work and work and work but that's fine, we all do. 
But with my earnings... I am a shopaholic, a huge one! So with that being said my money goes to eating out and shopping for unnecessary things. I need a money-management class, ha!
(I have a habit of combining plenty of topics and talk about it all at once lol) No, but see I plan to keep myself in school and finish up the first year of college I did. But with all the spending I do, I forget about school. 
I want to have my own classroom with all the little kiddies that come along, I want to be someone. I want to show my child that with effort, hard work and dedication you will achieve what you dream of. With that being said I will not come up with any more lame excuses on why I am not working towards what I want. 

I saw this quote today and thought of all the event that have taken place in my life, and of all the stuff, plans, vacations and other things that I've postponed and cancelled and then think to myself that I wasted most of my time, but then this person is right. It took each and every situation to be where I am and I am better than what I was before even with the ups and downs so yeah, maybe I have yet to accomplish all the things on my list but now is right on time. It is a wake up call that says it hasn't been a waste of time because I forget about the little steps I've taken to get where I am now. It tells me to get back on track and figure out what ends need to meet to be able to move up one more level, one step closer. 

So with this my bucket list starts now, because now is right on time, not a minute late not a minute early. I put everything in God's hands. Lord may you guide me down the right path to achieve everything on my list and even though sometimes there will be doubt I'll be able to say:

Who? Doubt? No, she can't keep up. I left her behind a while ago!! 

So go after your dreams, bottom line they're your dreams. Believe in them! 

Talk to you soon! xoxoxo :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"The broken glass"

When I was small I pictured my family perfect, but nothing is perfect is it?

Of course like many families we had problems, but I was a child I just knew they were problems I just didn't know what kind or how severe they were.

Then my teen years came and then I got pregnant with my little sweetpea throughout those years my relationship with my father wasn't so well. With my mother everything was great, she was everything to me.
Now my parents are going through a divorce and at 21 years old I never realized what it was actually like to go through that, I just never thought it would happen to "my family"... But it has.
Honestly it is a was experience, me being married living away from them but watching it all its horrible, I can't imagine what small kids go through. But anyways now its bitter sweet watching my mother be happy with a new person but watching my dad fall into pieces. This man that I've never had the relationship I wished for is crumbling down and it breaks my heart! I can say that we made up for all the lost years but I pray to God to give us all strength to make it out of this, I pray to God to give my father peace, closure and love. I pray for my mother, for her happiness for her peace. & for my siblings.

For my inner peace, to help understand that these types of things happen in life and that the Lord has his reasons.

"Remember it is only a bad day not a bad life"


Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun with us!

Good morning all!

This weekend was filled with fun.
Saturday consisted of a long morning run (it was quite hard, considering I haven't ran in ages.) Then later that day spent some time at work, after I was out I headed home to spend the afternoon with dad and siblings. We made it a movie night and it was great. Hearing my father laugh together along with Nate is the best feeling ever!
Sunday we spent the day at the zoo, with my cousins and my niece and nephew. Although it was a bit windy and cold it didn't stop the little ones from having fun!

Even a baby elephant was enjoying his day, playing and amazing the crowd. I had never experienced being so closed to one and it is the best thing ever! It made me giggle so much! Here's a pic of our new friend and a few of the kids enjoying everything around!
Hope everyone's weekend was filled with laughter, love and fun!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Around The Island: WFMW Redux - Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Around The Island: WFMW Redux - Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This week's WFMW is a "greatest hits" edition. Some of the other tips I've given (for things like making placemats out of children's art , ...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

21 Creative Consequences | iMOM

21 Creative Consequences | iMOM

Pretty interesting stuff! I need some new techniques on how to deal with tantrums, and the little duck face!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


First of: Hi everyone, I'm Mayra!
I created this blog to talk and share about my dreams, peaks of my days, the grace I see in things and that I say and the ones that must be said.
Talk soon! Hope everyone has a safe holiday!
Toodles :)